Thursday, November 10, 2011

Why "Under Open Skies" ?

And so I begin my adventure into the world of blogging. 
Why, you may ask, did I choose a phrase from a David Crowder Band song? 

The answer, dear reader, is that the song has meant quite a lot to me over the past few years. It has such simple and profound lyrics that have always touched me deeply. It also relates to the final verses of Psalm 150: "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord." Both this song and this Psalm reveal our calling to praise our Father with everything we have. All of creation is praising Him. His people should too. 

"Open Skies" also reminds me constantly of my community of believers at [nlcf] in Blacksburg. Every time I hear the song, I think of the memories and friends and experiences I had there. The lyrics below really capture that feeling. It was the [nlcf] community that helped me discover the mercy and mystery of Christ. 

"In the company 
of all who love the King
I will dance, I will sing
It could be heavenly
Turn the music loud,
Lift my voice and shout"

So I started wondering what "open skies" means for different people. Maybe it highlights our relative insignificance to the expansive world around us. Maybe it frees us to better connect with a God we feel is up among the heavens. Maybe it is just amazing to have a sunny, cloudless day. You have to admit, though, there is something wonderful about being out under open skies. It reminds us that our world can be beautiful. 

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world."
Psalm 19:1-4

So let's praise Him under open skies. 

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